Valdis Vanags

Valdis was born in Valmiera – a place called “the pearl of Vidzeme” near Gauja, where he also graduated from secondary school. Valdis’ temper is the outcome of the genes of his father from Latgale and his mother from Vidzeme and he has an enduring love for the native trails of Valmiera, as well as for the sincerity and openness of Latgale. Under the leadership of Pēteris Krilovs and Anna Eižvertiņa, Valdis graduated the Latvian Academy of Culture, Drama Theater course. In 2007 he came the Latvia Puppet Theater, where the most important roles so far have been performed. Valdis reveals that he really started to like puppetry when playing his “role of life” - Ābrams from staging “Skroderdienas Silmačos”. His life is unthinkable without music, where rock'n'roll has clearly taken the lead. He has been playing in the self-created band "7 Sons" for more than 10 years already.
Actor of the Latvia Puppet Theater since 2007.



Repertoire performances

Mēs izmantojam savas un trešo pušu sīkdatnes, lai uzzinātu, kā jūs izmantojat mūsu mājaslapu un nodrošinātu mājaslapas funkcionalitāti. Lai uzzinātu vairāk par mūsu sīkdatņu politiku, lūdzam noklikšķināt uz pogas “Vairāk informācijas”.

Jūs varat piekrist visām sīkdatnēm, noklikšķinot uz pogas “Piekrītu” vai noraidīt, noklikšķinot uz pogas “Nepiekrītu”.

Noklikšķinot uz pogas “Nepiekrītu”, tiks izmantotas tikai funkcionālās sīkdatnes, kuras ir nepieciešamas, lai nodrošinātu tīmekļa vietnes darbību.